Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Learning is fun!

Since we are learning about the life cycle of a frog, here is a fun game to help you practice.

Click here to play!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Here's our newsletter.

Good evening, folks! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow is Monday, yes it's already here, so here is our weekly newsletter. See everyone tomorrow!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Study, Study, Study...

Everyone study your -ing spelling words for your test tomorrow! Here is a reminder of the words that will be on your test. Remember, quiz yourself! :)

1. playing
2. running
3. crossing
4. clothing
5. sewing
6. jumping
7. singing
10. ringing
11. dancing
12. learning
13. talking
14. resting
15. winning

Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back everyone! I would like to introduce you to our classroom blog. I would like to encourage parents to visit our blog frequently. I will be posting information about the content your students are learning about as well as pictures of activities that they take part in. I will also post upcoming events and news on the blog as well.

I look forward to meeting all of my new third graders. This blog will be a learning tool for each one of you as well. You can access it at any time. There are shortcuts to frequently used programs. There will also be links to other interesting blogs for you to enjoy. You will also be posting your comments and work on the blog as well.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, exciting, and successful school year.