Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Learning is fun!

Since we are learning about the life cycle of a frog, here is a fun game to help you practice.

Click here to play!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Here's our newsletter.

Good evening, folks! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow is Monday, yes it's already here, so here is our weekly newsletter. See everyone tomorrow!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Study, Study, Study...

Everyone study your -ing spelling words for your test tomorrow! Here is a reminder of the words that will be on your test. Remember, quiz yourself! :)

1. playing
2. running
3. crossing
4. clothing
5. sewing
6. jumping
7. singing
10. ringing
11. dancing
12. learning
13. talking
14. resting
15. winning